About Me

Hello! I am a self taught software engineer based in Pasadena, California. I have an economics background, which I value since it taught me to see the world in a logical way.

My first taste of web development was when I decided to take an intro to computer science course based on python. It was one of the courses that I will never forget, and it definitely peaked my interest in the field.

I decided to take the next step and start learning web development on my own. I started with the Odin Project, and I am currently building projects such as StudiBetter and Pokemon Memory Game. I am also working on my Youtube channel where I will be posting videos on my journey.

My goal is to become a software engineer, and I am currently working on my skills in React, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Python. I am also working on my skills in UI/UX design.

Currently looking for a entry level software engineer position, and I am open to any opportunities.

Here are a few technologies that I currently am using:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind

Youtube Channel

I created my youtube channel as a way to document my journey as a self taught software engineer.

I think that the skills learned from creating youtube videos are invaluable: Presenting, Video Editing, Writing

I hope that one day in the distant future, I can look back at my youtube channel and be like "Wow I have come so far"

Fun Facts

🥯 My favorite dish to make is cold smoked salmon since I can give my bagel a huge portion of that delicious goodness

🛹 I find that longboarding at the beach or in the park gives me peace of mind as the wind blows by the face

🐕 Tiger, my golden retriever, and I enjoy our daily walks around the neighborhood

🏀 I try to start my day with a workout plus the swish sound that a basketball makes is music to my ears