
StudiBetter is an application for students and learners that target their weakness. By using a targeted quiz system, users get specialized quizs that improve their performance and memorization.

Biggest Challenge : The most challenging part about building StudiBetter was making sure that the quiz feature was working as intended. Creating a quiz that was randomized based on level and making sure that the updates were correct felt like the biggest point of growth for me.

Motivation : I built studibetter because practice tests is one of the best ways to study. This project is largely based off of quizlet with the studyset and quiz feature. I wanted to build on that by creating a targeted quiz system which focus on which keyterms you are weak on.

Latest Feature : By using Google Identification Services, each user can now have their own personal study set.

Future Plans : One feature or update that I really want to implement is for users to be able to share study sets while still maintaining different levels.

Live LinkGithub Repo

Yeezy Beluga Theme Store

Yeezy Beluga Theme Store is a replica of an eccommerce site based on the popular footware brand. I know that Kanye West is now a highly controversial person, but I still find the footware brand to be one of high prestige.

Biggest Challenge : The biggest challenge I faced when building this eccommerce store was how to make it seems authentic and visually appealling.

Motivation : I built this ecommerce store because I personally found this shoe to be visually appealling and I wanted to test my skills on building a store that could easily be used commercially.

Latest Feature : Updated the current checkout method so that while all state is resetted, user understand what is happening.

Future Plans : One feature or update that I really want to implement is for users to be able to checkout with a dummy credit card.

Live LinkGithub Repo

Pokemon Memory Game

Pokemon Memory Game is a web application that combines the childhood of many and lets them test if they can remember their previous selections

Biggest Challenge : The most challenging part about this game was maintaining the state and randomizing the cards as the user would play the game.

Motivation : I created the Pokemon Memory Game because I wanted to pay tribute to one of my childhood memories and have a fun project I can show to friends and family.

Latest Feature : Added a rules/intro popup for users at the beginning so there is less confusion at the start.

Future Plans : The next major step for this application would be to use completely random pokemon each time a user plays the game.

Live LinkGithub Repo